Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions on which we allow you to book and use our dog field. When you make a booking with us, whether online through our booking system, via our social media channels or by calling or emailing directly, you are expressly accepting these terms and agreeing to abide by our field rules and regulations.

We understand that terms and conditions can be riddled with hard to understand legal jargon so we have made every attempt to keep to plain English and should you have any queries about anything in these terms and conditions, please contact us via email.

Our Contract with You

When you make a booking with us, whether it’s via the booking site, phone, email or any other method, we’re entering into an agreement – ‘a contract’ (in legal terms). This contract is subject to these terms and conditions and because we may update them or change them at any point in time, we ask you to agree to them each time you make a booking. Any dispute or claim concerning this contract between us, or anything arising from it, will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales.

The basics of our contract with you is the following:

We take payment at the time of booking and until the payment has been made, your booking is not confirmed

You will know the total price, including tax where applicable, prior to confirming your booking

Your booking is for a specific time slot on a specific date – you are only permitted to utilise the facility during this period

Your Legal Rights – At your own risk

The use of our dog field and car park is at your own risk. There are various hazards for you to take account of – from uneven ground to toxic plants and vegetation – all of which are things that you would commonly find in a countryside setting.

Please be aware that it’s highly likely that horses will be present in the adjacent areas.

As the dog field operator, we accept no liability for the death or injury, loss or damages and other claims incurred by you or anyone with you, or property, including your dogs during the use of the field, dog agility equipment or car park.

To make sure you are aware of the potential risks, please ensure you have fully read and understood this document which covers the elements of the field and how they must be used. Please note the equipment is designed for dogs only, it’s not to be used in any way by humans.

XL bullies are very welcome as long as all government guidelines are followed. Please contact wagsandwalkswales@gmail.com if you need clarification of the guidelines.

Our responsibilities

We are responsible for foreseeable loss or damages caused as a result of any negligence or lack of consideration for duty of care to you whilst you are using the dog field.

We are not liable for any loss or damage that is not caused by a contractor or employee of the dog field.

We do not exclude or limit our liabilities to you where it is unlawful to do so. If we are negligent, fraudulent, misrepresent our services, breach your legal rights in relation to the supply of our services, or fail to supply those services with reasonable care, we can be held liable for any death or injury caused as a result.

If you are using the dog field for business purposes, we accept no responsibility for any business loses and you are offered the same legal protection as domestic users. This includes loss of business, interruption, loss of business property and any profit. Use of the field for business purposes is not permitted without express prior consent from Fun and Run

Our Privacy Policy - How We Use Your Personal Information

We securely store your name, mobile number and email address so that we can communicate with you about your booking. Your payment information is held securely by our 3rd party payment partners Acuity Scheduling and Stripe and our digital mailing service.

Your Obligations

The following section details what we expect from you as our customer when using our dog field. These obligations are designed to ensure the safety of you; your dog/s; other users of the facilities; and anyone or thing that may be affected by your use of our dog field.

Canine Health, Welfare and Handling

Please ensure dog is healthy and shows no signs of sickness (for example this includes diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy – anything which is unusual for your dog)

You must not bring your dog to the dog field if they, or any other household pets have shown any signs of sickness in the past 48 hours. There are some vulnerable dogs that use the dog field and not adhering to this may put other animals at risk

All dogs attending the dog field must be up to date with current recommend vaccines (or titre tested), flea, tick and worming treatments

Heavy or harsh handling of dogs is not permitted – this includes both verbal and physical treatment

A dog must never be left unattended in the field or tethered to anything unless accompanied.

Where dogs are left in vehicles whilst other dogs are trainer or exercised, their welfare must be constantly monitored.

Your dog must carry 3rd party liability insurance – you may have this as part of your pet insurance policy but if you are unsure, The Dog’s Trust have an affordable membership https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/support-us/membership which will provide comprehensive 3rd party liability insurance.

If your dog is unwell in the field, please do your best to clear it up and contact us if this is not possible – disease can be transmitted through Diarrhoea and vomit so this is essential for all users health and safety

If you dog has a serious accident in the field please contact us on 07951874219 after contacting your vet or the local emergency vet whose details are at the field in the summer house along with the First Aid Kit.

Please be aware that the dog field is a natural environment and as such has many of the hazards you might find on any other walk – this includes vegetation which might be poisonous to dogs. Best efforts are made to exclude any toxic plants but toxicity impact can vary significantly between individuals.

Fun and Run accepts no responsibility for any canine sickness that might come on after a visit to the field.

Use of the Field

Please ensure the lead member of the booking has read these terms and conditions before arriving at the field for the session


The fencing in this dog field is approximately 1.8m in height. This can vary slightly in places as the ground is uneven.

The gates in the dog field are 1.8m

The mesh of the fence is 5cm x 10cm

If this enclosure is not suitable for your dog because it can squeeze through these gaps or scale this fence height then your dog must be on a lead at all times whilst using the dog field.

We aim to provide a safe environment for you to exercise your dog and in order to meet these expectations, the dog field fences and gates are regularly checked for any breaches or failures.

This regular monitoring limits the likelihood of any holes appearing during hours when the field is not in use but does not completely eliminate any risk. Breaches can include wild animal intrusion or visiting dogs digging as well as branches falling or failures caused by weather events. On occasion, breaches may occur outside of these times so we expect all users to confirm the field is safe and secure to their satisfaction before letting dogs loose in the field.

If you notice ANY breach at all, please contact us by phone on 07951874219 and if you can take a picture and specify the location, this will enable us to make immediate repairs. If any breach means that your dog is no longer safe in the field, please leave immediately, let us know and we will reschedule your booking.

Parking and Access

Parking is located on site - gifted//hungry//vets – this What3Words link will direct you to the gate. We have parking on a hardcore parking area. Please wait in the parking area until your allocated time. The parking area is a “dogs on leads” area, please wait until you’re through the pedestrian gate before removing leads.

The gate is operated by a padlock system. The code is sent 1 hour before your booking via email and sms and is changed regularly. Once the code has been put in to the padlock, press the button on the base of the lock and the padlock will open.

General Etiquette and Dog Behaviour

Whilst Fun and Run Dog field is designed as a safe and private space for you to exercise and play with your dog, we ask that you make the following considerations during your visit. If you fail to adhere to these requests, we reserve the right to ask you to leave and may lead to refusal of bookings in the future

Please ensure you pick up your dog waste and general waste and take it with you.

Please keep shouting to a minimum

Please ensure that there is no persistent barking from your dog/s during your session:

Please do not drop any food, litter or treats in the field:

Please do not permit digging in the field.

Please report any issues with equipment or the field as soon as you are able on 07951874219 or via email for non-urgent matters.

Please ensure all toys are taken with you and none are left in the field – this includes any scraps of chewed toys or balls: this is for the safety of all users and avoidance of choke hazards or resource guarding.

Please ensure you read the entire document to familiarise yourself with all other terms and conditions of use.

If a user arrives late, the booking cannot be extended

Anyone remaining in the field over their allotted time will need to pay for the additional slot and may be banned from re booking

Family, Friends and Children

You may bring other people with you to the field under the following conditions:

No more than 3 Dogs per booking unless otherwise agreed

All users must be aware of these terms and conditions and by attending you are assuming responsibility for their behaviour and actions whilst visiting the field

Children are welcome but must the hirer is responsible for their behaviour at all times

No children under 18 are permitted to use the dog field without an adult present

Equipment and structures in the dog field are not child safe and none of the equipment provided is for human use.

Vegetation and Environmental Hazards

The dog field is an extension of the countryside and contains hazards similar to those you’d find on a public footpath or in a park. The ground is uneven with areas of longer grass and vegetation and there may have hidden trip hazards.

There are also tree trunks, wood piles and sticks around the field.

We make an effort to ensure that there are no highly toxic plants in the field but dogs react differently to these things dependent on size, bread and individual genetics. The environment is not sterile and therefore we cannot accept any liability for humans or animals harmed by the natural environment.

You can find a list of the more common plants that are hazardous to dogs in some cases here. https://www.bluecross.org.uk/advice/dog/health-and-injuries/plants-poisonous-to-dogs

As you will see, there are many plants on this list that you may have in your garden so whilst they can be harmful to dogs, not all are poisonous on contact or unless ingested. If there is any vegetation in the field that is concerning to you, please contact us on 07951874219

Enrichment, Equipment and Toys

The dog field is predominantly designed for the enjoyment of dogs. That means that all equipment is to be used only by dogs with the exception of seating.

Please do not allow your dog to use any equipment unless they are fit and experienced enough to do so. It is your responsibility to ensure your dogs safety whilst playing in the field.

Obstacles may become slippery from rain or ice so do not use if this is the case.

Humans must not climb on equipment designed for dogs

Waste Removal

Please ensure you pick up your dog waste and put it in the bin located in the parking area.

We encourage the use of biodegradable and compostable poo bags and these are available in various locations on site should you forget to bring any.

If you have any other waste, including broken toys, please bin it.

Smoking and Vaping

Smoking is strictly prohibited on the premises

Any person found to have been smoking on the premises will be refused booking in the future. The risk of fire on site is considerable at certain times of the year

Vaping is strictly prohibited on site – vape juice is highly toxic to dogs and should a pen or bottle of juice be dropped and found by a dog there is a risk of ingestion